

I was first inspired to start experimenting with woodcut prints after watching a short documentary on the New York artist Bryan Nash Gill. After many months of testing methods, inks, papers and styles, I came up with what are now my own relief prints. I believe that my product best represents the life and look of each tree through remarkable detail and aesthetic style. These prints are a real representation of the natural beauty that surrounds us, with limited interference on my part. I like to consider myself the middle man between the art of the work and the customer. 



With a degree in European Studies and Art History from the University of Guelph, I have taken the road less travelled, exploring the world, and drawing inspiring from the different countries and cultures. Along with my work, I spend four months of the year teaching at a boarding school in Switzerland and traveling with my incredibly loving (and sassy) dog, Sooka. My studio is located in beautiful North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

For a more comprehensive understanding of what I do, read my interview article:

“R is for Relief Printing” — by One of a Kind Show