I’m Marko Barakoski—located in North Vancouver, British Columbia- I’m an artist and carpenter who specialises in functional, yet artful furniture, cabinetry, design/builds and wood prints.
Wood Prints
I make original, hand printed End Grain Relief Prints of already felled logs sourced from southern Ontario, South-western British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Simple—yet incredibly detailed, the prints find beauty in nature, providing another avenue to exhibit the diversity of the natural world.
Celebrating and encapsulating the story of a tree
People have a special connection with trees and forests (especially in Canada),
something which is encapsulated in the process of putting paper to stump, revealing a unique story from each tree.
Custom Prints
Trees become family members…and I hope what I make from them captures their history and beauty! Reach out to me if you have a tree that has—or will come down that you’d like to preserve a special memory from.
How to Read Rings
Each dark ring on a tree represents one year of growth; however, if you examine the shapes and patterns of the rings, you will discover its history. Learn more
I do all the framing myself—the frames are made from Canadian Ash by suppliers local to the GTA, along with the glass and assembled in my shop. See standard sizes